The seemingly endless line of posts and trellising belie the fortitude and back breaking work it takes to create each vineyard parcel. Everyone from The Vines was impressed by how fast the workers were able to plant each row of vines with precision. Whereas we were only able to plant one row, they planted around 3 in the same amount of time. Not only are the physical demands of creating a vineyard impressive, but that of organizing all of the supplies and the grading and positioning necessary to make the dreams of all of our Private Vineyard owners come to life.

After about 2 hours of planting, we were famished and lured by the enticing aromas coming from Victor’s parilla located under the shady canopy of trees by the stream that will irrigate all of the future vines. Enjoying the spring time temperatures with the stunning vista of the mountains and vineyards, we were all amazed that an ice cream man suddenly arrived to complete the day.

It has been so amazing for everyone to see the changes and to realize how much effort and work goes into a single vineyard. Congratulations to Michael, Pablo, Dave, Francisco, Santiago, Diego and all of our vineyard owners!