Tonight is the last night that the celebration will take place in the Fran Romero Day amphitheater.
As one article states, it is the biggest harvest festival you have never heard of.
Though few of us in the US have heard of Mendoza, Argentina, more than 300,000 people attend the closing festivities of its annual grape harvest. Now considered the 8th wine capital of the world, Mendoza is most famous for its complex Malbec wines and stunning location in the Andean foothills. Its harvest takes place from January through March, with closing festivities this weekend, combining regional pride in viticulture heritage with a street carnivalesque ambience, a Wine Queen parade, grand fireworks, wine tastings, artisan booths, and more. Every year, from January through March, the province of Mendoza in Argentina celebrates its grape harvest – more than 17 towns hold local events with the most important dates taking place over the first weekend of March, as the season culminates with street revelery, beauty pageants, folk dancers, and fireworks.
For more information, sorry in Spanish, although the pictures are pretty to look at- check out http://www.mdzol.com/mdz/nota/109372-Candela-Carrasco,-de-San-Mart%C3%ADn,-es-la-nueva-Reina-Nacional-de-la-Vendimia/