By Anthony Gismondi
Friday, June 20, 2008
If it's true that a region's wine develops a certain synergy or simpatico with its food, it must make sense to consider some country's wine and perhaps exclude others when you are looking for the classic barbecue red.
Think about it. Italy and barbecue, not really; France and charcoal grilled beef, no way. Spain, I believe, has more outdoor ovens than barbecues. German barbecues - who has ever been to one? No, when it comes to barbecue I believe Australia, Argentina, South Africa and North America are the countries with the most backyard chefs.
Today we further refine our search and settle on one country, Argentina and one varietal wine, malbec.
Interest in Argentine malbec is at an all-time high, so much so that it is approaching a new modern-day danger point in the wine business. That's when a wine becomes so popular MBAs on Wall Street or Fleet Street think a beer company should start buying wineries, or worse, a mega multi-national distributor starts gobbling up wineries and spitting out brands with animal labels.
See complete article Here